Thursday 24 November 2011

Apprentice Mystic!

Somewhere! At some point! For having done some certain things... I became an Apprentice Mystic. I was helped by certain exiles, and thanks to some specific things that happened I was accepted into the fold.

(Shown above, Rroot, someone, somewhere.)

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Looky what I found.

While exploring the highlands, I found a Book on Earth sciences of Liranth. Borzon was kind enough to point me to the Alliance Library. I hope to read more of these tomes as they are discovered.

Sunday 20 November 2011

From Rat tower to Jades Three, a good day. (part two)


This was the first time I've been so far from the safety of Town Square. I followed Shalyn and Eudaimonia into the Marsh when I heard there were fallen in Jades. Thinking this would simply be another interesting adventure. We found the fallens one by one and decided to push further into Jades. Borzon, Farhope, Shalyn, Doctor X, Eudaimonia, Silky, Edge Lunos and Aneides. Such powerful Exiles...
The power behind the moonstone...
The training that fighters undergo...
Rangers with their knowledge of creatures they have studied...

I hope one day to return to the Jades, stronger, and able to contribute.

From Rat tower to Jades Three, a good day. (part one)

Today is not even over and yet it has ever been eventful!
The day began with meeting a delightful Zo healer by the name of Kork. Together we tackled the south Rat towers. All was going well until suddenly out from between the floor boards Large and Giant Vermine crawled out!

We were quickly overwhelmed by the creatures. Thankfully Sean dropped in for a quick rescue and helped us clean up the mess we'd gotten ourselves into.

Saturday 19 November 2011


Not much happened today, as my usual trip to Geisela's home was interrupted by an angry Bolok!
It had decided to use the narrow passage way between South Forest and Kitty Beach as it's home, which made me an intruder. Thankfully, this meant that I was given the pleasure of meeting Feodoric and Lily Fren. This meeting was short lived. The mighty blow from the Bolok rendered me somewhat... well... unconscious. Perhaps once I'm completed my training with Bodrus, these angry kitties wont seem so dangerous.


Friday 18 November 2011

Day Three of Bodrus' Training

The life of a Mystic...

Today with the help of Haze, Pucker, and later Var, I was able to explore and train in quite a few places. First we traveled through the spirit wood to a lonely tower. It supposedly is an entrance to a garden they wanted to show me, but for what ever reason we were refused entry. Spriggins, Orga, Vermine and other creatures attempted to slow our progress in vain, as Haze chopped them down and I culled the weakest from the throngs.

After a quick exploration of the Tanglewood with the two more experienced exiles, Haze took his leave, and Pucker and I enjoyed a nice break on the beach before setting off once again to the east forest.

This proved to be a poor choice as we passed east forest to an area that seems to be filled with bloodhawks and Wendecka. I believe it was close to the passes. I'll have to return again with a fighter to assist.

I did learn three very important things today!

1) Never travel too far from town without an able fighter. Sometimes healers find themselves outmatched by things with high Atkus.

2) Of all the healers I have had the pleasure of exploring with so far, I've not met one with such incredible range! Pucker was raising me from so far away, that I could not even see him! It was truely astounding.

3) I learned the value of a well times Boost once Var joined Pucker and I in the area east of east forest. The difference in both defense and offense was immediately noticed. A very useful skill... one I hope to attain in time.


My first mentor and role model, Var.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Rroot's First day as an exile.

Firstly, I would like to thank Han, Gremlins, Talas, Zora, Iodu, and I know another but I've forgotten, (Ugh! It was ugh! Thank you so much) for an excellent first day with thirty lessons learned. Bodrus' lessons are clumsy, albeit necessary if I intend to survive. The sooner I can be done with them, the better. As such I've set the personal goal of completing his training in under a week.

Thank you so much!